Breastfeeding husband: yes or no?

Susan Fernandez February 02 2022

Breastfeeding a baby is a natural and healthy way of feeding infants. Since pregnancy is not the same as breastfeeding, women may wonder if they can still breastfeed their husband during her pregnancy. In fact, it is possible to do so - however, there are some precautions that must be taken to follow by both parties.

At what pregnancy period will your breast milk appear?

Breasts produce milk in order to feed a baby, much like when women are pregnant. When the pregnancy period starts, there is no breast milk production yet although it can be expected in about three weeks after conception. Sometimes, there is no breast milk production if the pregnancy period is longer than nine months, but this may take a toll on the health of the mother.

How much milk will your breast produce every day? Although there are no specific amounts on how much breast milk will be produced, it is considered to be enough if your baby can get full after breastfeeding. If the baby does not seem full or satisfied at all, however, you may need to consult a doctor about this matter.

What should you eat to produce more milk?

Eating healthy and balanced meals for breastfeeding mothers is important. You can eat foods that are rich in protein to help produce more milk, such as fish, lean meats, eggs, poultry, cheese, and nuts. Dairy products are also a good choice for women who want to increase their breast milk production.

Spicy food is okay during pregnancy unless your doctor advises against it or you have health issues that limit your diet choices. However, if the spicy meal causes heartburn or indigestion problems after eating, you should avoid consuming them during your pregnancy period because it may harm both the mother's and the baby's health.

To produce more milk you have to eat food with high calories and protein. This will make your breast become full and increase milk production by 10%. People who want to induce lactation or increase their breast milk production should consume plenty of fluids.

Fluids can help prevent dehydration and promote weight loss after childbirth, but it is important that you do not drink too much fluid as this may cause problems such as hyponatremia (water intoxication). Eight glasses of water each day are enough for pregnant women to consume a healthy diet without question marks.

What can you do if you have too much milk during pregnancy?

It is not uncommon for women to produce too much milk during pregnancy. This may make you uncomfortable, which can lead to an interruption in having intercourse with your husband. To avoid this problem, try the following tips:

  • Use a breast pump if you feel that there is too much milk in your nipples and areola. Breast pumps are helpful equipment to have at home because it can help ease the pressure of oversupply of milk. It will also help stimulate more breast milk production just in case your condition becomes worse later on.
  • Take time off from breastfeeding so that the body's hormone levels adjust accordingly when taking a break from lactation. Although you cannot stop breastfeeding your baby altogether, scaling back or stopping temporarily allows the body to adjust once again before attempting to produce more milk.
  • If you are still having problems with your condition, ask your doctor if it's okay to take hormone replacement therapy. Usually, medical experts prescribe estradiol or progesterone therapy for women who have milk production problems because of their pregnancy period. This is really helpful during breastfeeding since the hormones help increase the body's lactation cycle.

Do not worry too much about breastfeeding yourself when you are pregnant because there is no problem at all with that as long as your doctor permits it after giving birth. Just make sure that you do not eat any spicy food and if you want to induce lactation then try out some natural ways at home so that your husband can also join in on the fun of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding your husband while pregnant: Why?

Since breastfeeding between spouses does exist in some cultures, the question arises about whether this type of nourishment occurs naturally or through coercion. Breastmilk is a normal secretion from a woman's body and contains important antibodies that protect both maternal and infant health.

Recently more couples have been seeing this substance as something positive for them, with benefits during pregnancy being a big point of interest.

There are a few reasons why women might want to do this. They may be too tired during pregnancy to have intercourse, or they might not feel attractive since their body is changing so much.

But for those who do seem interested in the process itself, it's important that a woman ensures a comfortable environment before taking part in such activity. This means her husband needs to make sure she has enough time and privacy for breastfeeding, otherwise, it can become stressful and less enjoyable for both parties.

Breastfeeding your husband: benefits

As mentioned above, there are many health benefits involved with breastfeeding between spouses. It enables immunity from illnesses because the baby doesn't have strong enough immune cells yet to fight diseases.

The benefits to the father are also great because it provides him with nutrients, which help fight fatigue and other unpleasant feelings during pregnancy. He can be energized after breastfeeding his wife while getting essential nourishment for himself at the same time.

Is it OK from the moral side?

Breastfeeding is seen as a natural process and is often not frowned upon, especially if it occurs between spouses. It has been known to increase intimacy and help build a deeper connection with your partner. Although breastfeeding may feel like an intimate activity at times, many couples actually see it as more practical than intercourse because it eliminates the need for penetration during intercourse.

There are some individuals who might frown upon this topic, or be disgusted by the idea of "spilling milk" from one mouth into another - but remember that's what our mouth does every day!

Adults let saliva flow from their mouths constantly (but they also brush afterward) so this is very different from using milk which has additional health benefits. Other considerations include practicing safe intercourse - using a condom every time, not sharing with other individuals outside of your marriage, if you are unsure about your partner's sexual history - do not take the risk!

Is it OK from the medical side?

Breastfeeding is actually considered to be healthy for both mother and infant. The American Pregnancy Association lists some benefits that breastfeeding provides for expectant mothers in terms of pregnancy:

  • Helps decrease post-partum bleeding in new mothers. Breast milk contains anti-inflammatory components which can help heal tears in the perineal area after birth
  • Can reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis later on in life because it increases bone density levels
  • Increases bonding between mother and child
  • Helps release chemicals in the body which can help suppress and control post-partum depression

While breastfeeding is beneficial for mothers, it also provides infant benefits such as:

  • Decreased risk of infection because breast milk contains antibodies that reduce the chances of developing respiratory infections, diarrhea, and meningitis
  • Breastfeeding has been proven to encourage proper weight gain and development because it causes infants to feel full more often. This means they grow at a healthier rate than formula-fed babies, who may receive larger quantities of food at one time. It has also been proven that breastfed children tend to have higher IQs than their formula-fed counterparts.

So if you and your partner decide to keep on with your original plan to breastfeed, you can do so without fear of consequences. This is an intimate way of feeding your baby that also provides many health benefits for the mother and child alike. Just remember to take appropriate precautions by wearing a condom during intercourse - even if it is just in case!

Breastfeeding your husband: precautions

There are many precautions that need to be taken before breastfeeding can occur safely.

First of all, women should start this process by themselves without force from their husbands. This means waiting until her baby is born and she has fully recovered from childbirth before starting to breastfeed her husband. She needs time to adjust to motherhood since having a newborn in the house is exhausting enough already - adding intercourse into the mix would make things worse.

Secondly, it's best to choose a time when the woman is comfortable. This means waiting until her body has fully healed from childbirth, and until she doesn't feel any pain or discomfort during intercourse. She should also be well-rested before starting this process because fatigue may lead to a lack of concentration which could result in poor breastfeeding techniques.

Women also need to consider their current breast conditions. If they are sore, it's best not to breastfeed right away because it may irritate them - use moisturizers first! Breastfeeding should only occur after breasts have returned back to their pre-pregnancy state, which usually takes at least six weeks! By this time the body has also adjusted accordingly to produce milk for both mother and child.

Is there any risk? Since breastfeeding has multiple medical benefits for babies, mothers are encouraged to continue breastfeeding their children until they are ready to stop or give up altogether - regardless of whether or not they are pregnant.

There are some cases when women have become ill due to bacteria present in the milk which causes mastitis, inflammation of the area surrounding one's breasts after childbirth. However, these cases were only reported in women who had given birth several times before or who already had known infections in the breast. These cases are extremely rare and shouldn't be of real concern to expectant mothers.

How can you do it?

If you're wondering how to initiate breastfeeding your husband in a comfortable and safe way, it's best to use a few supplies. There are several simple steps to follow when breastfeeding your husband.

Firstly, you should start with a pillow behind his back for support. Next, the woman should make sure her breasts are properly shaven and well-moisturized - this is important because it will help stimulate the nipple and allow it to be more sensitive during stimulation.

Then she can sit or lean forward on her buttocks, allowing her husband access to suck from the source of milk available. By making sure that he is well-supported through the use of a pillow, not only will this process be much easier and more comfortable but it will also allow him better access and results as compared to other positions! After feeding has occurred, simply throw away any unused milk in order to maintain hygiene.

Is there anything else you should know?

If you are interested in breastfeeding your partner, but only want to do so during the pregnancy - that is possible too! The lactation consultant at Nationwide Children's Hospital says that "pregnancy will increase your chance of success by 40 %" because hormones that help with milk production increase during this time. Good luck with your endeavors ahead!

It is fine from both a moral and medical standpoint for couples to engage in breastfeeding while pregnant; however, they must practice safe intercourse using condoms every time or abstain completely until after birth.


Pregnant women can breastfeed their husbands during pregnancy, but they must be sure that they are okay with the process and follow safety precautions to avoid health risks. It's best to wait until 6 weeks after delivery when breasts have returned back to their pre-pregnancy state. If pregnant women choose to breastfeed only during pregnancy - not while breastfeeding a newborn - they will increase their chances of success by 40%.

It is fine from both a moral and medical standpoint for couples to engage in breastfeeding while pregnant; however, they must practice safe intercourse using condoms every time or abstain completely until after birth.