Everything You Need to Know About For How Long Can Breast Milk Sit Out

VD October 10 2021

Parents always think best for their newborn babies, and they are very concerned about their diet. Newborn babies are breastfeeding at a regular pace, and if you are a working woman and you cannot be at home every time, it is essential to know how long breast milk can sit out.

Why is it important? You will never want to feed your baby with bacteria-laden milk. So, if you know about the time you can keep the breast milk out, your baby's health will never be at risk. Also, if you know how long you can keep the milk out and still use it, you will never feel guilty about not feeding your baby on time.

You should always remember that this article is for information purposes only; it cannot be used as a guide or instructions to follow while feeding your child.

How long can you keep the breast milk out?

It is very difficult to answer this question, as multiple factors are considered when it comes to storing breast milk. These factors include temperature, cleanliness of the environment, and quality. But there are some basic guidelines that you can follow to avoid any growth of bacteria.

The first thing you have to know is the timeframe for how long you can keep breast milk in the fridge or at room temperature. 

At room temperature, you can keep the breast milk safe from any bacteria for 4 hours. But make sure the temperature of the room should be equal to 77 degrees Fahrenheit or more.  

Now, if we talk about the timeframe of frozen breast milk, if the milk is frozen, it would not be harmful to the newborn baby, but if the frozen milk is left for more than 2 hours at room temperature, the breast milk will lose its quality.

Moreover, fresh breast milk can be stored for 4 or 5 days in a refrigerator, but the more you store the breast milk in the refrigerator, the more vitamin C will be lost. 

Even if you are thinking of storing the breast milk, you should still try to use it as soon as possible because breast milk is the most healthy option for your newborn baby.

Lastly, if you are storing milk in a freezer below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, you can store it for more than 12 months. 

But as your baby is in the growing stage and you might not save it for 12 months. All you have to do is to seal the bottle correctly and freeze it. Make sure it does not get exposed to heat or any temperature above 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

How to keep breast milk safe from bacteria?

Some of the tips you can follow to keep your baby's health safe while feeding them with your tender love and care. 

Avoid any contact with the breast milk from metal spoons or dishes, as it will get contaminated quickly. You have to feed your baby with a clean spoon every time.  

If you are using a plastic bottle for storing, make sure it is non-polycarbonate because this type of bottle contains BPA that leads to hormonal imbalance in newborns. Also, avoid microwaving breast milk because it alters its molecular structure and diminishes its quality.  

Do not use a microwave oven at all while heating up the milk, even if it is microwave friendly.

There are many guidelines and tips that you can follow and then use this article as a reference to keep your baby safe from bacteria, but remember nothing is better than fresh breast milk. So try to give the best for your newborn.

Best products that help store breast milk

Spectra – S2 Plus Electric breast milk pump for baby feeding

Spectra – S2 is a multiple-purpose device, and it can aid you in collecting the milk from your breast. The package includes two suction pumps and personalized settings, which allow you to collect the milk in the best way. The device is designed to prevent any leakage and enhance your experience. Also, it is an efficient and comfortable pump that can be used by multiple users as well.


  • It has a let-down mode that helps in getting the milk easily
  • The device is easy to operate and comfortable for breastfeeding mothers


  • The product does not work well with the batteries. So, you have to use it using electricity only.

Kiinde twist pouch breast milk storage bags for pumping 

If you are planning to store breast milk, consider this product as your priority because you can make your baby safe from dangerous bacteria while using this product. 

Moreover, you can also store milk and feed your baby at the same time.

All you have to do is to fill the bags and let them freeze. However, keep in mind to place it in the coolest portion of the freezer.  


  • The Kiinde twist pouch can store milk in the best way compared to other products in the market. It is completely safe from harmful bacteria.
  • You can feed your baby at the same time, and it also makes double use of stored breast milk.


  • The product has a limited warranty period, which means you cannot claim for its defects after a certain period. Also, the product contains BPA that could be potentially dangerous for babies' health.

How to use frozen milk?

The first thing you have to do is to identify the oldest milk in your freezer and use it first. 

You need to plan things and put the container or packet in the fridge one night before using it. If you don’t have to use the milk in an emergency, you can put the container in warm water for a few minutes, and it will become liquid and safe to feed your baby.


How long the baby milk can sit out depends on the contributing factors mentioned above. Now it's your turn to identify the situation and act accordingly. If you are too busy or distracted then it would be hard for you to monitor the baby's food, which makes it even more important for you to understand all these details.


How to Freeze and Thaw breast milk?

When you put the milk in the freezer, make sure it is in an airtight bag or container and then place it flat. If there are any empty spaces, fill them with some dry ice or ice packs.  

If you want to use the frozen milk immediately, do not defrost it first; instead, put it directly into a bottle of hot water for a few minutes. You can also give direct heat using an open flame as well, but this method is risky and not recommended at all.  

For thawing the frozen milk, never thaw the pack inside your baby's feeding bottle because there could be bacteria formed there due to low temperature. Always keep in mind that anything below room temperature is not safe for your baby's health.

How to store milk in bags?

You can also freeze your milk by using freezer bags. However, remember that there are different types of freezer bags you can use for this purpose. You need to find out how thick or thin the bag is and what materials are used for making it. Also, make sure to squeeze the air out from the bag before using it. This process will save more space in your freezer as well as protect the contents inside from damage due to oxygen exposure due to air bubbles. 

The most important thing is that you have chosen an efficient breast pump that can help you collect the maximum quantity of milk at a time without damaging its composition and taste. The device must be easy to clean, assemble and store. It should not take a lot of space in your bag while you are going out.