When to stop using: high chair for toddlers

Susan Fernandez February 02 2022

When your toddler starts to become too heavy for a regular high chair, it's time to look into a transition seat. This type of seat sits on your family table and allows your child to sit with the grown-ups during meals. But how can you know the right time when your toddler should stop using a high chair for toddlers? What are the main signs and how can you replace the high chair safely?

When to stop using high chair: features

For an infant-toddler who has just begun solids, you'll need a lot more from a high chair than you will once he or she is two years old. Choosing one that goes up to 50 pounds (22 kilograms) is very important because many seats only hold 30 pounds (13 kilograms). You’ll also want something that can help keep them in place instead of constantly sliding out of the seat. A five-point harness is best; make sure it's adjustable and easy to use.

Height adjustment is important too, especially if your child is not the same height as the rest of the family members. Look for an adjustable seat that can accommodate three or four different heights easily, without having to readjust straps every time. Having swivel wheels attached will also help you when you need to move it around in order to reach kitchen countertops and cabinets.

Safety features are an important consideration when looking at high chairs for sale. Make sure to check for handholds so children can climb up by themselves without needing any tools. The tray should also come with a non-skid rubber bottom so it doesn't slip out from under them while they're eating or playing with toys on it. A dishwasher-safe tray insert is always a plus, as it will make cleanup easier.

In the end, the best high chair for toddlers has one that is sturdy and durable without compromising comfort or safety. It should be easy to clean and not take up too much space in your kitchen. Especially when it is time for your baby to stop using the high chair.

What additional characteristics a high chair should have?

Depending on how you use your high chair, there are going to be certain features you need more than others. For instance, if you want to use it as a play area or reading nook for short periods of time during the day then a five-point harness is key because you’ll need a high degree of safety when seated at such an angle.

On the other hand, if you want to use it as a place for your child to do his or her homework then a five-point harness probably isn’t necessary because they will be in a different seated position most of the time. Since your toddler won’t be eating solids all day long, a dishwasher-safe tray insert may not be necessary either.

When shopping for high chairs, think about what kind of features you need and which ones are conveniences that can wait until later. When you go out looking for one, don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by all the bells and whistles that come with many of them - instead, prioritize safety over everything else and remember that if it's too expensive before taking a look at the safety features, it's probably not going to be a good purchase and using this chair will not be beneficial.

Why can`t your toddler use a usual chair?

The transition to a normal chair can be problematic for many children who are still not using it. Some toddlers cannot sit still at the table and too often the parent is left holding their child up in front of them while they eat. This lack of physical activity during meals, along with poor posture (with feet pushing against pedals) can lead to health problems like back pain and breathing difficulties. In such a case your baby should stop using it immediately!

Kids who climb out of high chairs tend to get into more mischief than those that stay seated; this leaves parents frustrated and exhausted from chasing after toddlers throughout mealtimes. The key here is having a high chair that makes it difficult for kids to escape, including sturdy harnesses and trays so that they stop piddling and decide to sit properly. When considering these points you'll find there are many reliable options available both new and used.

What age do kids stop using the high chair?

There is no specific age to stop using a high chair. You can use them until your child outgrows it, which in most cases will only happen once they have become too heavy to safely support. Some parents choose to transition from a high chair when their child hits the toddler stage and starts developing independence because that’s when they start getting into everything and can easily climb out.

However, you can keep up with all the other accessories such as booster seats and chairs for much longer than that. It’s really up to you and what works best in your home in case you don`t want your toddler to stop using a high chair. Utilizing what your toddler really needs - is the key to happy parenthood.

Booster seats and high chairs are not just for looks- they're an important part of your baby's development! Your little one will be spending a lot of time in their high chair or booster seat, so it's important to choose one that is comfortable, safe, and easy to use. There are many different types and styles of booster seats and high chairs on the market, so it's important to do your research before making a purchase.

Many children remain in their high chair until they are three years old or older, as long as it is used correctly and safely. Make sure to read the height and weight limit of your specific chair before using it with a child. Always remember that anything designed as a place for infants can also be used by older children but should be considered more necessary for younger ones.

Letting go of this stage can be difficult for parents who have kids that enjoy sitting at the table with them. But they should stop thinking only about their own comfort. If you’re not yet ready to put your high chair away then don’t feel pressured into doing so just because someone else would prefer if you did. For instance, in case your parents say that a child should stop using this chair and advice you to transit him or her to an ordinary one, you have to follow only your thoughts and your baby`s state.

It’s good to listen to other opinions about raising children, but ultimately each family needs to make the decision that’s best for their own kids and decide on their own whether the kids are ready for transition and want o stop using a high chair. If they are safe, age-appropriate, and allow your child to be active during meals then they can serve a valuable purpose in your home.

What are the signs that your toddler wants to transit and stop using the high chair?

Firstly, your child will surely keep being hysterical when you’re putting her in the high chair to eat. She might express reluctance at being put into the seat or try lifting up the tray herself if it has one. If she’s really young then you might notice that she doesn’t like sitting still, especially during dinner time when other members of your family are also present.

Your child may not want to eat anymore because this transition takes her attention away from playing but since toddlers can be picky with their food, it is possible that she just isn't hungry. Even so, do not let them go without eating for too long or they will get cranky and eventually give up on even trying their meals altogether. Utilize special methods on how to feed your toddler and still be a soft parent.

Secondly, your toddler is old enough for the high chair if he or she follows the rules and can listen to instructions. A child this age knows what is expected of them and can respect your authority, even with food! If you’re looking for ways to make mealtimes with your kids more enjoyable then you should consider how they act during these occasions. Stop hesitating and check out your kids` moods.

Also, when your toddler tries to imitate you or any other adult around, he or she is most likely ready to join you at the table. This will be a gradual process and it isn’t always easy if your child has become accustomed to eating in a high chair. Just keep in mind that these are all signs of readiness when using this transitional step for your child.

Be aware that you can always try later when your baby shows interest in sitting on their own at the table! In case they still enjoy using a high chair, don`t be very willful. It might be frustrating that they don’t know how to do something but then again, lots of children are notoriously stubborn. Stop worrying about what other people think because every baby is different and development stages vary greatly between individuals despite their age range.

How to transit your toddler out of a high chair?

As your toddler becomes more independent, they will start refusing to eat in a high chair. They will want to be able to sit on their own and feel like an adult so it can be a good idea to start transitioning them out of the seat. Try putting the tray across their lap for this first meal or two before removing it completely.

Stop leaving them alone at the table because they might try getting up but continue reading with them whenever possible, even if you must do so while you finish off your own meal. If your child doesn’t succeed in climbing over then that’s even better because he or she has now learned that there are consequences when trying to escape!

When they're able to move around their seat, ask them to undo the straps and take off the tray. If they refuse then simply do not force them because it would only work against you. Cease the attempts and don`t make pressure on your toddler. Keep in mind that this is also a normal part of transition so it might take several attempts for your toddler to learn how to sit safely at the table with no restraints holding them down. By using all these tips you will make the process easier and less complicated!

When to switch from high chair to booster seat and alternatives?

It is always great to have something that holds your child in place while he or she’s sitting on their own. You can buy booster seats for this purpose but they are not all suitable for every type of chair. If you don’t mind having a baby around the table, then you can think of using a bouncer seat instead.

You can place this at the edge of the table so that your child isn't too close to anyone else yet still has access to their food. A bouncer seat will allow them to sit up straight and even hold their plate because it will have special straps attached. The safety belt should be tightened enough so that they won't fall out but not so much that it restricts movement either. Stop and look at the instructions closely, so that you will read all the recommendations about the straps and other safety precautions.

If you are thinking of purchasing one, bear in mind that they are available in two different formats. While the fabric is easy to wash, it might not be as comfortable or durable so consider investing in a high-quality plastic seat instead. Using any of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is up to parents to decide.

Both types work really well for the purpose of eating at the table with everyone else because your child will have immediate access to their food without having to climb up or down too much. If you want them to feel involved then try making them part of your conversation by asking how their day was before starting on your own meal. But you should stop if your kid doesn`t want to answer.

Just make sure that you turn off all distractions when this happens because toddlers can be easily distracted and it would take very little time for them to something off someone’s plate or reach for something they shouldn’t. Continue reading with them whenever possible to make the whole process more fun and interactive but do not force it if your child shows no interest in what you are doing at all. While using this method it is quite important not to pressure your toddler.

Their little legs might want to move around but if your toddler is sitting next to you then that's probably all they will be able to do anyway. Make sure that you keep an eye on them so that they aren't playing with their food or trying to climb onto the table instead. Most importantly, always stay calm because it can be really hard if your baby won’t cooperate during this transitional period!


When your toddler starts getting up in their high chair, try transitioning them out by giving them the tray or placing a bouncer seat at the edge of the table. Stop using high chairs for toddlers when they don't need them anymore because they can sit on their own without any restraints holding them down. At the same time, you should cease the attempts if your baby feels nervous and irritated.

Start washing their hands and then read with your child while they eat. If they won't cooperate then just let it go and keep doing what you're doing without making too much of an issue about it. It's all part of the transition process so just continue parenting during this transitional period! And remember, that it`s up to you to decide when your kid should stop using a high chair.